Using AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

Using AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

Models vs. View Models

Occasionally you will require the ability to separate a model for a view, from the equivalent model for a database. But what happens when you need to transfer the view model data to the database model object?

Enter “AutoMapper”

AutoMapper is an object-object mapper, and makes this mapping task fairly straight-forward (albeit, following some configuration).



Implementation Steps

  • Install a copy of “AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection” from Nuget.
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

  • Create a view model.
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

  • Create a model.
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

  • Create an AutoMapper “Profile” (class which inherits from the Profile class in AutoMapper), for defining the map between the view model and the model.
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

  • Configure Services in Startup.cs to add AutoMapper to the project.
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

  • Create a service for executing the model mapping.
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

  • Configure Services in Startup.cs for your mapping service (as a transient service).
AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0

AutoMapper with ASP.Net Core MVC 3.0
